Sunday, July 26, 2009

Why Unit Testing?

TDD relies on two main concepts: unit tests and refactoring. Also Unit Tests are one the twelve best practices of XP. But many Agile developers haven't a good sense writing tests and think it is a wasting time practice. As our team has felt the integration as a major problem and time consuming task in each sprint we have decided to set up a Continuous Integration server to speedup our integration. Referring to Matrin's excellent paper on CI the self-testability of build is indicated as an important practice to reach CI. Before reaching CI all of our codes should have Unit and Integration tests to ensure make our build self-testing. Please note that in CI the focus is not on working TDD based approach and it strongly recommend that your code have automated test which could be written before coding as done in TDD or after coding. This post is tightly related to CI and Unit testing frameworks including JUnit, DbUnit, and EasyMock. So it seems necessary to read the post with the sequence of CI, Unit Testing and frameworks. In the reminder I talk about Unit testing and its justification in Agile teams.

Categorizing Tests

Unit Test

Unit tests are intended to examine the behavior of a unit of work. In a Java application UoW is often (but not always) is a method. A unit is the smallest testable part of an application. Each unit test must be independent from other unit tests. How do you know that a method doesn't need a unit test? First, can it be tested by inspection? If the code is simple enough that the developer can just look at it and verify its correctness then it is simple enough to not require a unit test. The developer should know when this is the case. If error handling is performed in a method, then that method can break. Generally, any method that can break is a good candidate for having a unit test, because it may break at some time, and then the unit test will be there to help you fix it.

The danger of not implementing a unit test on every method is that the coverage may be incomplete. Just because we don't test every method explicitly doesn't mean that methods can get away with not being tested. The programmer should know that their unit testing is complete when the unit tests cover at the very least the functional requirements of all the code. The careful programmer will know that their unit testing is complete when they have verified that their unit tests cover every cluster of objects that form their application.

Integration Test: Integration testing(sometimes called Integration and Testing, abbreviated "I&T") is the activity of software testing in which individual software modules are combined and tested as a group. It occurs after unit testingand before system testing. Integration testing is a logical extension of unit testing. In its simplest form, two units that have already been tested are combined into a component and the interface between them is tested. A component, in this sense, refers to an integrated aggregate of more than one unit. In a realistic scenario, many units are combined into components, which are in turn aggregated into even larger parts of the program.

Acceptance Test:

Acceptance tests are created from user stories.During an spirint the user stories selected during the spirint's backlog planning meeting will be translated into acceptance tests. The customerspecifies scenarios to test when a user story has been correctly implemented. A story can have one or many acceptance tests, what ever it takes to ensure the functionality works. Acceptance tests are black box system tests. Each acceptance test represents some expected result from the system. Customers are responsible for verifying the correctness of the acceptance tests and reviewing test scores to decide which failed tests are of highest priority. Acceptance tests are also used as regression tests prior to a production release. A user story is not considered complete until it has passed its acceptance tests. This means that new acceptance tests must be created each iteration or the development team will report zero progress.

Top 12 Reasons to Write Unit Tests

1. Tests Reduce Bugs in New Features

We advocate writing tests as you write new code. Tests do not eliminate bugs, but they dramatically reduce the number of bugs as you add new features.

2. Tests Reduce Bugs in Existing Features

With well-tested code, introducing new features rarely breaks existing functionality. If a new feature breaks existing functionality, existing tests fail immediately, allowing you to pinpoint the problem and fix it. Without the tests, you may introduce a bug that is not found for days or weeks.

3. Tests Are Good Documentation

A concise code example is better than many paragraphs of documentation. We see this time after time in our consulting work. Far too often, teams produce boilerplate documents that are of little practical value. When programmers need to learn an API, they search for code examples. Tests are among the best code examples because they are concise snippets of code that exercise public APIs.

4. Tests Reduce the Cost of Change

Tests make it easier to change software because you have confidence that changes do not break existing functionality. When you have good test coverage, you have confidence to explore new design ideas without fear of introducing new bugs.

Poorly-tested software becomes increasingly expensive to change as time goes on. Risk increases dramatically as the system becomes more complex because it becomes more and more likely that changes inadvertently break things that used to work.

5. Tests Improve Design

Writing tests forces you to make your code testable. Specifically, you tend to rely less on dubious patterns like singletons and global variables, instead making your classes loosely-coupled and easier to use. Code that is tightly-coupled or requires complex initialization is hard to test.

6. Tests Allow Refactoring

With tests, you are more able to change code throughout the lifetime of an application. Tests provide a safety net, allowing you to refactor at any time without fear of breaking existing code, so you can constantly improve the design of your program.

7. Tests Constrain Features

Far too often, programmers build fancy frameworks rather than deliver features customers want. When you adopt a test-first approach, you start by writing tests for the current feature. You then implement the feature. When the tests pass, you know you can stop and move to the next feature. Well-tested applications are more easily extended; therefore, you don't have to anticipate what the customer will eventually request.

8. Tests Defend Against Other Programmers

Textbook code is simple, but real-world problems are hard. We find that in real applications, you often encounter very subtle bugs due to Java bugs, quirky business rules, operating system differences, etc. These bugs may only manifest themselves under very peculiar scenarios.

Let's suppose you find that a payroll calculation routine removes a zero from everyone's salary, but only if the routine runs at 11:59 PM on New Year's Eve. Now, suppose that the bug fix involves a single-line code change.

Without a test, another programmer may come in and change that code. Unless they run the application at 11:59 PM on New Year's Eve, they won't know that they just re-introduced the bug and will cause countless bounced checks next year. With a test, however, you can ensure that when the programmer changes the code, the test breaks and informs the programmer of the problem.

9. Testing Is Fun

If you thrive on challenges, then testing is a lot of fun. Coming up with automated tests is difficult, requiring creative solutions for complex problems. Just like coding is an art, testing is an art.

In many organizations, testing is relegated to the least-experienced programmers. We often encounter the misconception that testing consists of people completing written checklists as they manually execute the application. This approach is completely unscalable, because it takes longer and longer for humans (monkeys?) to test every feature as the application grows.

Modern OO languages like Java are complex, particularly when it comes to dependencies between classes. One change can easily introduce bugs in seemingly unrelated classes. Gone are the days when each character-based screen is a standalone program. OO apps are far more complex and demand automated tests.

Writing automated tests is harder than writing the code itself, in many cases. The most expert programmers are the best testers. When faced with seemingly mundane coding tasks, coming up with creative tests provides an intellectual challenge that expert programmers thrive on.

Beginners typically need expert assistance when writing tests. This is where pair-programming helps, because experts work side-by-side with beginners as they learn the art of testing.

10. Testing Forces You to Slow Down and Think

When adding a new feature or refactoring an existing solution, testing forces you to think about what the code is supposed to accomplish. By writing tests first, you think about how to use the public API and what the ultimate outcome should be. Thus you end up with a clean and simple design that does exactly what you expect it to do.

11. Testing Makes Development Faster

On a class-by-class basis, testing slows you down. It takes time to think about and produce good tests. But as time goes on, your overall velocity increases because you are not constantly worrying about breaking existing code as you add new features.

We have also found that with good tests, we can ignore internal implementation details during the first iteration. Provided that we get the public API right, we can improve internal design and algorithms later, again without fear of breaking something. We have used this specifically for things like sorting algorithms. In the first iteration, we do something quick and dirty, like a bubble sort. We can always come back later and replace it with a better algorithm, if necessary.

12. Tests Reduce Fear

One of the biggest fears that programmers encounter is making a change to a piece of code and not knowing what is going to break. Having a complete test suite allows programmers to remove the fear of making changes or adding new features. We have found that we do not hesitate to change and improve well-tested code, whereas we fear changing untested code.

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